Soon Myoung Chung
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Wright State University
Dayton, Ohio 45435
(937) 775-5119
soon.chung [at] wright [dot] edu
Database; data mining; text mining;
information security; Data Grid; XML; parallel and distributed databases;
multimedia databases; parallel and distributed processing.
- Ph.D
in Computer Engineering, May 1990
Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York
Dissertation: A Relational Algebra Machine Based on Surrogate Files
for Very Large Data/Knowledge Bases.
Advisor: P. Bruce Berra
- M.S
in Electrical Engineering, February 1981
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea
Thesis: A New Image Segmentation Technique.
Advisor: Minsoo Suk
- B.S
in Electronic Engineering, February 1979
Seoul National University, Korea
- 09/03--present:
Tenured full Professor in the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio.
- 06/03--09/03
Lectured a graduate course on Advanced Topics in Database Systems
at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) in Dayton, Ohio.
- 09/96--present:
Tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio.
- 09/97--08/98:
Visiting Researcher at the Computer and Software Technology Lab of
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
in Korea. Involved in a project of Video Segmentation for
Content-based Retrieval.
- 03/98--06/98:
Visiting Professor at the Information and Communications University (ICU)
in Korea, and lectured an one-semester graduate course on Operating System.
- 09/95--03/96:
Lectured two graduate courses on Database Systems at the
Computer Science Corporation (CSC) in Dayton, Ohio.
- 09/89--08/96:
Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering
at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio.
- 01/86--05/89:
Research Assistant in the ECE Department of Syracuse University in Syracuse,
New York. Involved in the project of designing a parallel computer
architecture and algorithms for very large data/knowledge bases, which was
supported by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research.
- 09/85--12/85:
Teaching Assistant in the ECE Department of Syracuse University
in Syracuse, New York. Taught an electronic system laboratory course.
- 05/83--06/84:
Lead Engineer in the Computer Division of Daewoo Engineering
Company in Seoul, Korea. Designed a computer traffic control system
of a train line. Developed a software system for estimating the air
pollution. Developed and taught courses on programming languages and
microcomputer systems.
- 03/81--04/83:
Engineer in the Instrumentation and Control Department of Daewoo Engineering
Company in Seoul, Korea. Designed instrumentation and control systems of
chemical and power plants.
IEEE Lifetime Member, 2022.
Who's Who Lifetime Achievement Award, 2019.
Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 2006.
Who's Who in American Education, 2006.
Who's Who in Engineering Education, 2002.
Who's Who in America, 2002.
Members of ACM (and SIGMOD) and IEEE (and Computer Society).
Associate Editor of the Int'l Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT),
published by World Scientific.
Served as a referee for IEEE Transactions (on Computers, on Software
Engineering, on Knowledge and Data Engineering, and on Parallel and
Distributed Systems), IEEE Computer, IEEE Micro,
IEEE Conferences (on Data Engineering, on Distributed Computing Systems,
and on Multimedia Computing and Systems),
IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing,
Int'l conference on Parallel Processing,
Int'l Workshop on Database Machines, VLDB conferences, Journal of
parallel and Distributed Computing, ACM Symposium on Applied
Computing, Int'l Conference on Computing and Information, Journal of
Computer and Software Engineering, Data & Knowledge Engineering,
Information Processing Letters, Int'l Workshop on Multimedia DBMS,
Int'l Conference on Information and Knowledge Management,
Information Sciences,
The Computer Journal, Int'l Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
Int'l Workshop on Research Issues in Data Engineering,
ACM Int'l conference on Multimedia, VLDB Journal, Journal of Systems
Integration, Journal of Parallel Computing, Decision Support Systems,
Information Processing and Management, Journal of Information Technology,
IEEE Multimedia, ACM SIGMM Multimedia Biometrics Methods and
Applications Workshop, Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery,
Int'l Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Int'l Symposium on
Ubiquitous Computing Systems, Int'l Conference on Tools with
Artificial Intelligence, Int'l Workshop on Feature Selection for
Data Mining, Int'l Conference on Future Information Technology,
Int'l Symposium on Digital Forensics and Information Security,
Int'l Conference on Data and Software Engineering,
Journal of Supercomputing, ETRI Journal, Int'l conference on Bioinformatics
and Bioengineering.
Steering committee of IEEE Int'l Conference on Tools
with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), 2010--2017.
NSF Program panelists, 2004--2006, 2008--2009, 2011, 2013.
Publication Co-Chair of Int'l Conference on Public Management and
Big Data Analysis (PMBDA 2024), 2024.
Program Committee of IEEE Int'l Conference on Tools
with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2024), 2024.
Program Committee of Int'l Conference on Advanced Information
Science and System (AISS 2024), 2024.
Program Committee of the 7th Int'l Conference on Machine Learning
and Natural Lange Processing (MLNLP 2024), 2024.
Program committee of the Int'l Conference on Big-data Service and Intelligent
Computation (BDSIC 2023), 2023.
Program Committee of the 35th IEEE Int'l Conference on Tools
with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2023), 2023.
Program Committee of Int'l Conference on Data and Software Engineering
(ICoDSE 2023), 2023.
Program Committee of the 34th IEEE Int'l Conference on Tools
with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2022), 2022.
Program Committee of Int'l Conference on Data and Software Engineering
(ICoDSE 2022), 2022.
Organizing Committee of Int'l Conference on Image, Signal Processing and
Pattern Recognition (ISPP2022), 2022.
Program area chair of the 33rd IEEE Int'l Conference on Tools
with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2021), 2021.
Program Committee of Int'l Conference on Data and Software Engineering
(ICoDSE 2021), 2021.
Program committee of the Int'l Conference on Big-data Analysis and
Computer Science (BDACS 2021), 2021.
Program area chair of the 32nd IEEE Int'l Conference on Tools
with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2020), 2020.
Program Committee of Int'l Conference on Bioinformatics
and Bioengineering (BIBE 2020), 2020.
Program committee of the Int'l Conference on Big-data Service and Intelligent
Computation (BDSIC 2020), 2020.
Program committee of the 15th Int'l Conference on Future Information
Technology (FutureTech 2020), 2020.
Program area chair of the 31st IEEE Int'l Conference on Tools
with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2019), 2019.
Program Committee of Int'l Conference on Bioinformatics
and Bioengineering (BIBE 2019), 2019.
Program Committee of Int'l Conference on Data and Software Engineering
(ICoDSE 2019), 2019.
Program committee of the Int'l Conference on Cloud Computing and Internet of
Things (CCIOT 2019), 2019.
Program committee of the Int'l Conference on Big-data Service and Intelligent
Computation (BDSIC 2019), 2019.
Program Committee of Int'l Conference on Data Storage and Data Engineering
(DSDE 2019), 2019.
Program committee of the 14th Int'l Conference on Future Information
Technology (FutureTech 2019), 2019.
Program area chair of the 30th IEEE Int'l Conference on Tools
with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2018), 2018.
Program Committee of Int'l Conference on Data and Software Engineering
(ICoDSE 2018), 2018.
Program committee of Int'l Conference on Big data, IOT, and Cloud Computing
(BIC 2018), 2018.
Program committee of 19th Int'l Conference on Parallel and Distributed
Computing, Applications, and Technologies (PDCAT-18), 2018
Program committee of the 13th Int'l Conference on Future Information
Technology (FutureTech 2018), 2018.
Program committee of 2018 World Congress on Information Technology,
Computing, and Applications (World IT Congress 2018), 2018.
Program Committee of Int'l Conference on Data and Software Engineering
(ICoDSE 2017), 2017.
Program area chair of the 29th IEEE Int'l Conference on Tools
with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2017), 2017.
Program committee of Int'l Conference on Big data, IOT, and Cloud Computing
(BIC 2017), 2017.
Program committee of the 12th Int'l Conference on Future Information
Technology (FutureTech 2017), 2017.
Program committee of 2017 World Congress on Information Technology,
Computing, and Applications (World IT Congress 2017), 2017.
Program Committee of Int'l Conference on Data and Software Engineering
(ICoDSE 2016), 2016.
Program committee of 2016 Int'l Workshop on Sustainable Computing
and Advanced IT Services (SusComIT-16), 2016.
Program Co-Chair of the 9th Int'l Symposium on Digital Forensics and
Information Security (DFIS 2016), 2016.
Program committee of the 11th Int'l Conference on Future Information
Technology (FutureTech 2016), 2016.
Program committee of 2016 Global Conference on Information Technology,
Computing, and Applications (Global IT 2016), 2016.
Program committee of the 6th Int'l Conference on Information, Intelligence,
Systems and Applications (IISA 2015), 2015.
Program committee of 2015 Global Conference on Information Technology,
Computing, and Applications (Global IT 2015), 2015.
Program committee of Int'l Conference on Advanced Information
Technology and Services (InfoTech 2014), 2014.
Program Co-Chair of the 8th Int'l Symposium on Digital Forensics and
Information Security (DFIS 2014), 2014.
Program committee of the 5th Int'l Conference on Information, Intelligence,
Systems and Applications (IISA 2014), 2014.
Program committee of the 11th FTRA Int'l Conference on Secure and
Trust Computing, Data Management, and Applications (STA 2014), 2014.
Program committee of the 8th Int'l Symposium on Security and Multimodality in
Pervasive Environment (SMPE-2014), 2014.
Program committee of the 9th Int'l Conference on Future Information
Technology (FutureTech 2014), 2014
Program committee of the FTRA Int'l Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing and
Embedded Systems (UCES-13), 2013.
Program committee of the 8th Int'l Conference on Future Information
Technology (FutureTech 2013), 2013
Program Co-Chair of the 7th Int'l Symposium on Digital Forensics and
Information Security (DFIS 2013), 2013.
Program committee of the 4th Int'l Conference on Information, Intelligence,
Systems and Applications (IISA 2013), 2013.
Program committee of the 10th FTRA Int'l Conference on Secure and
Trust Computing, Data Management, and Applications (STA 2013), 2013.
Program Co-Chair of the FTRA Int'l Symposium on Advances in Cryptography,
Security and Applications for Future Computing (ACSA--Summer 2012), 2012.
Program committee of the 9th FTRA Int'l Conference on Secure and
Trust Computing, Data Management, and Applications (STA 2012), 2012.
Program committee of the 7th Int'l Conference on Future Information
Technology, 2012.
Program committee of the 8th IEEE/FTRA Int'l Conference on Secure and
Trust Computing, Data Management, and Applications (STA 2011), 2011.
Program committee of the Int'l Workshop on Feature Selection for
Data Mining -- FSDM 2010, 2010.
General Chair of the 21st IEEE Int'l Conference on Tools
with Artificial Intelligence -- ICTAI 2009, 2009.
Session Chair on Reasoning under Fuzziness or Uncertainty at the
21st IEEE Int'l Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence
-- ICTAI 2009, 2009.
Guest Editor for a special issue of Int'l Journal on Artificial
Intelligence Tools (IJAIT) on the selected papers from the 20th
IEEE Int'l Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2008),
Vol. 18, No. 5., October, 2009.
Session Chair on Authorization and Access Control
at the 3rd Int'l Conference on Information Security and Assurance
-- ISA 2009, 2009.
Program Chair of the 20th IEEE Int'l Conference on Tools
with Artificial Intelligence -- ICTAI 2008, 2008.
Session Chair on Vision, Image Processing and Understanding at the
20th IEEE Int'l Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence
-- ICTAI 2008, 2008.
Program committee of the 8th IEEE Int'l Symposium on Signal Processing
and Information Technology -- ISSPIT 2008, 2008.
Program committee of the 12th IASTED Int'l Conference on Internet
and Multimedia Systems and Applications, 2008.
Session Chair on Information Retrieval at the 19th IEEE Int'l Conference on
Tools with Artificial Intelligence -- ICTAI 2007, 2007.
Reviewed proposals for Indiana 21st Century Research and Technology Fund, 2007.
General Chair and Program Co-Chair of the Information Technology Symposium
of the US-Korea conference on Science, Technology,
and Entrepreneurship -- UKC 2007, 2007.
Program Co-Chair of the Information Technology Symposium of the
US-Korea conference on Science, Technology,
and Entrepreneurship -- UKC 2006, 2006.
Program committee of ACM SIGMM Multimedia Biometrics Methods and
Applications Workshop, 2003.
Session Chair on Intelligent Information Retrieval at the 14th IEEE Int'l
Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence -- ICTAI 2002, 2002.
Program committee of the 11th ACM Int,l Conference on Information and
Knowledge Management -- CIKM 2002, 2002.
Session Chair on Parallel Systems at the 8th Int'l Conference on Parallel
and Distributed Systems -- ICPADS 2001, 2001.
Program committee of the 8th Int'l Conference on Parallel and Distributed
Systems -- ICPADS 2001, 2001.
Session Chair on Data Warehousing and OLAP at the 8th ACM Int'l Conference on
Information and Knowledge Management -- CIKM'99, 1999.
Registration Chair of the 3rd Int'l Workshop on Multimedia Database
Management Systems, 1998.
Program committee of the 8th Int'l Workshop on Research Issues in Data
Engineering: Continuous-Media Databases and Applications, 1998.
Program review committee of the ACM Multimedia'96 Conference, 1996.
Publications Chair of the 2nd Int'l Workshop on Multimedia Database
Management Systems, 1996.
Program committee of Symposium on Human Interaction with Complex
Systems, 1996.
Program committee of the 4th ACM Int'l Conference on Information and
Knowledge Management -- CIKM'95, 1995.
Session Chair on multimedia retrieval and indexing at
the 1st Int'l Workshop on Multimedia Database Management Systems, 1995.
Program committee of the 1st Int'l Workshop on Multimedia Database
Management Systems, 1995.
Session Chair on distributed computing at the 5th Int'l Conference on
Computing and Information, 1993.
Principal Investigator: ``Anomaly Detection in Time Series Data with Multiple Seasonal
AFRL/DAGSI Research Fellowship,
8/28/23--8/26/25, Funding $88,260. (Co-Investigator: Jaclyn Taylor)
Principal Investigator: ``Resource Description Framework (RDF) Data Modeling
and Management by Using Databse Technologies,''
AFRL/DAGSI Research Fellowship,
5/1/22--4/30/23, Funding $44,130. (Co-Investigator: Ashton T. Williams)
Principal Investigator: ``Clustering and Visualization of Geotagged
Text Data for Crisis Management,''
AFRL/DAGSI Research Fellowship,
8/27/18--1/31/22, Funding $156,780. (Co-Investigator: Nathaniel C. Crossman)
Principal Investigator: ``Detection and Segmentation of Dynamic
Human Signatures from Clustered LIDAR Streams,''
AFRL/DAGSI Research Fellowship,
9/1/15--12/31/16, Funding $43,500. (Co-Investigator: Hamza M. Abdel-Latif)
Principal Investigator: ``Visualization and Fusion of Big Data,''
AFRL/DAGSI Research Fellowship,
9/1/14--12/31/16, Funding $75,509. (Co-Investigator: Marc W. Abel)
Principal Investigator: ``Service-Oriented Integration of Distributed
Biomechanical Engineering Resources,''
AFRL/DAGSI Research Fellowship,
6/15/09--12/31/10, Funding $71,768. (Co-Investigator: Austin D. Bangert)
Co-Principal Investigator: ``Intelligent Model Assisted Sensing System (iMASS)
for Fast and Accurate Nuclear Material Interrogation,''
Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) and NSF/Purdue University,
9/1/2008--8/31/2010, $309,717. (PI: Nikolaos Bourbakis)
Principal Investigator: ``Establish an Efficient Large-Linked Database for
Epidemiological Studies,''
AFRL/DAGSI Research Fellowship,
6/15/06--6/14/07, Funding $54,820. (Co-Investigator: Eric R. Master)
Principal Investigator: ``Work-Centered Software Engineering,''
AFRL/DAGSI Research Fellowship,
6/13/05--11/18/06, Funding $60,346. (Co-Investigator: James R. Knapp)
Principal Investigator: ``Development of Parallel Data Mining Algorithms
for Text and Formatted Databases,''
AFRL/Wright Brothers Institute (WBI)/Secure Knowledge Management (SKM),
6/2/03--9/30/05, Funding $145,878.
Co-Principal Investigator: ``Cluster Computing for Large Scale Neural
Networks, Data Mining, Simulation, Fault Tolerance and Sequence
Analysis,'' Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC), 3/2003, Equipment grant
of 16-node Linux cluster system. Each node has 2 Intel Itanium
processors, 4 GB memory, a 17 GB SCSI disk drive, a Myrinet interface card,
and a Fast Ethernet card. (PI: Nikolaos Bourbakis)
Principal Investigator: ``Development of a Parallel Text Data Mining System,''
LexisNexis, 9/1/00--7/31/02, Funding $34,575.
Principal Investigator: ``Parallel Data Mining on a Cluster of Workstations,''
Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) Computer Science Collaborative Research Funding,
7/1/00--12/31/03, Funding $86,366. (Co-PI: Yiming Hu)
Co-Principal Investigator: ``NCR WorldMark Parallel Data Warehouse
NCR Equipment Grant, 2/2000, $1,250,000. (PI: P. Bruce Berra)
Co-Principal Investigator: ``Content-based Retrieval and Data Mining of
Image and Video Databases,''
ITRI Research Committee;
2/99--12/99, Funding $50,000. (Co-PIs: Ardeshir Goshtasby, Michael Cox)
Co-Investigator: ``OCARNet: Ohio Computing and Communications ATM
Research Network,''
Ohio Board of Regents Investment Fund; 6/96--5/99, Funding $150,000
for Wright State University.
(PI: Raj Jain)
Co-Principal Investigator: ``Development of Specialized Communications and
Terminal Equipment for Research in Information and Education Technology,''
NSF Academic Research Infrastructure Program, Grant No. CDA-9601670;
9/96--6/00, Funding $241,314. (PI: Oscar N. Garcia)
Co-Investigator: ``Information Technology Center Infrastructure,''
Ohio Board of Regents Investment Fund; 6/96--5/99, Funding $746,000
for Wright State University. (PI: Oscar N. Garcia)
Principal Investigator: ``Performance Analysis of Network I/O in
Client-Server Information Systems,''
LexisNexis; 10/95--6/96,
Funding $25,000.
Principal Investigator: ``Database System for Strategic Marketing,''
NCR Corporation; 1/95--12/95, Funding $25,000.
Principal Investigator: ``System Requirements for Multimedia Database
NCR Corporation; 8/93--8/94, Funding $25,000.
Principal Investigator: ``Distributed Multimedia Information System,''
WSU Research Council Research Initiation Grant; 5/92--5/93, Funding
Principal Investigator: ``Clustered Surrogate File Scheme for Very Large
Knowledge Bases,'' NSF Research Initiation Award, Grant No. IRI-9008694;
7/90--12/92, Funding $55,158.
Principal Investigator: ``Clustered File Structures for Parallel Relational
Operations on Very Large Databases,'' Ohio State Research Challenge
Grant; 12/89--6/91, Funding $20,000.
Soon M. Chung (editor), Multimedia Information Storage and Management,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996. (ISBN 0-792-39764-9, 483 pages)
Journal Papers
A. T. Williams, R. E. Sperl, and S. M. Chung, ``Anomaly Detection in
Multi-Seasional Time Series Data,'' IEEE Access, Vol. 11, 2023,
pp. 106456--106464. (DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3317791)
H. Cheng and S. M. Chung, ``Action Recognition from Cloud Patches Using
Discrete Orthogonal Moments,'' Multimedia Tools and Applications,
Vol. 77, No. 7, Springer, 2018, pp. 8213--8236.
H. Cheng and S. M. Chung, ``Orthogonal Moment-based Descriptors for Pose Shape
Query on 3D Point Cloud Patches,'' Pattern Recognition, Vol. 52,
Elsevier Science, pp. 397--409.
Y. Li, C. Luo, and S. M. Chung, ``A Parallel Text Document Clustering
Algorithm Based on Neighbors,'' Cluster Computing,
Vol. 18, No. 2, Springer, 2015, pp. 933--948.
V. Muppavarapu and S. M. Chung, ``Semantic-based Access Control for
Data Resources in Open Grid Services Architecture - Data Access and Integration
(OGSA-DAI),'' International Journal of Grid and High Performance
Computing, Vol. 5, No. 2, IGI Global, 2014, pp. 1--23.
S. M. Park and S. M. Chung, ``Privacy-Preserving Attribute-Based Access
Control for Grid Computing,'' International Journal of Grid
and Utility Computing, Vol. 5, No. 4, Inderscience, 2014, pp. 286--296.
Y. LI, D. F. Hsu, and S. M. Chung, ``Combination of Multiple Feature Selection
Methods for Text Categorization by Using Combinatorial Fusion Analysis and
Rank-Score Characteristic,''
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools,
Vol. 22, No. 2, World Scientific, 2013, pp. 1250008:1--15.
Y. Li, C. Luo, and S. M. Chung, ``Weighted Naive Bayes for
Text Classification Using Positive Term-Class Dependency,''
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools,
Vol. 21, No. 1, World Scientific, 2012, pp. 1250008:1--15.
C. Luo and S. M. Chung, ``Parallel Mining of Maximal Frequent Sequences
Using Multiple Samples,'' The Journal of Supercomputing,
Vol. 59, No.2, Springer, 2012, pp. 852--881.
V. Muppavarapu, A. L. Pereira, and S. M. Chung, ``Role-Based Access Control
for a Grid System Using OGSA-DAI and Shibboleth,''
The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 54, No. 2, Springer, 2010,
pp. 154--179.
V. Muppavarapu and S. M. Chung, ``Role-Based Access Control in a Data Grid
Using the Storage Resource Broker and Shibboleth,''
Journal of Grid Computing, Vol. 7, No. 2, Springer, 2009, pp. 265--283.
C. Luo, Y. Li, and S. M. Chung, ``Text Document Clustering Based on
Neighbors,'' Data & Knowledge Engineering,
Vol. 68, No. 11, Elsevier Science, 2009, pp. 1271--1288.
Y. Li, C. Luo, and S. M. Chung, ``Text Clustering with Feature Selection
by Using Statistical Data,''
IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering,
Vol. 20, No. 5, 2008, pp. 641--652.
Y. Li, S. M. Chung, and J. D. Holt, ``Text Document Clustering Based
on Frequent Word Meaning Sequences,''
Data & Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 64, No. 1, Elsevier Science,
2008, pp. 381--404.
S. M. Chung and C. Luo, ``Efficient Mining of Maximal Frequent Itemsets
from Databases on a Cluster of Workstations,''
Knowledge and Information Systems, Vol. 16, No. 3, Springer, 2008,
pp. 359--391.
C. Luo and S. M. Chung, ``A Scalable Algorithm for Mining Maximal Frequent
Sequences Using a Sample,'' Knowledge and Information Systems,
Vol. 15, No. 2, Springer, 2008, pp. 149-179.
A. L. Pereira, V. Muppavarapu, and S. M. Chung, ``Managing Role-Based
Access Control Policies for Grid Databases in OGSA-DAI Using CAS,''
Journal of Grid Computing, Vol. 5, No. 1, Springer, 2007, pp. 65--81.
Y. Li and S. M. Chung, ``Parallel Bisecting K-Means with Prediction
Clustering Algorithm,''
The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 39, No. 1, Springer,
2007, pp. 19--37.
J. D. Holt and S. M. Chung, ``Parallel Mining of Association Rules from
Text Databases,'' The Journal of Supercomputing,
Vol. 39, No. 3, Springer, 2007, pp. 273--299.
A. L. Pereira, V. Muppavarapu, and S. M. Chung, ``Role-Based Access Control
for Grid Database Services Using the Community Authorization Service,''
IEEE Trans. on Dependable and Secure Computing,
Vol. 3, No. 2, 2006, pp. 156--166.
C. Luo, A. L. Pereira, and S. M. Chung, ``Distributed Mining of Maximal
Frequent Itemsets on a Data Grid System,''
The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 37, No. 1, Springer,
2006, pp. 71--90.
S. M. Chung and A. L. Pereira, ``Timed Petri Net Representation of SMIL,''
IEEE Multimedia, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2005, pp. 64--72.
J. D. Holt and S. M. Chung, ``Mining Association Rules
Using Inverted Hashing and Pruning,''
Information Processing Letters,
Vol. 83, No. 4, Elsevier Science, 2002, pp. 211--220.
S. Campbell and S. M. Chung, ``Scheduling and Optimization of the
Delivery of Multimedia Streams Using Query Scripts,''
Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 18, No. 1,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, pp. 5--30.
S. M. Chung and A. Chatterjee, ``An Adaptive Parallel Distributive Join
Algorithm on a Cluster of Workstations,''
The Journal of Supercomputing,
Vol. 21, No. 1, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
2002, pp. 5--35.
J. D. Holt and S. M. Chung, ``Multipass Algorithms for Mining Association Rules
in Text Databases,'' Knowledge and Information Systems,
Vol. 3, No. 2, Springer-Verlag, 2001, pp. 168--183.
S. M. Chung and A. Chatterjee, ``Parallel Distributive Join Algorithm
on the Intel Paragon,'' The Journal of Supercomputing,
Vol. 13, No. 2, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, pp. 151--169.
P. Mah and S. M. Chung, ``Integration of a Hospital Information System
with Multimedia Data,'' Journal of Systems Integration,
Vol. 8, No. 3, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998, pp. 211--228.
P. Mah and S. M. Chung, ``Schema Integration and Transaction Management
for Multidatabases,'' Information Sciences, An International
Journal, Vol. 111, North-Holland, 1998, pp. 153--188.
S. M. Chung, ``Parallel Relational Operations Using Clustered
Surrogate Files on Shared-Nothing Multiprocessors,''
Information Sciences, An International
Journal, Vol. 105, North-Holland, 1998, pp. 1--29.
J. Lee and S. M. Chung. ``Information Discovery on the Internet:
Beyond Search Engines,'' Systems Engineering Research Institute (SERI)
Journal, Vol. 2. No. 1, 1998, pp. 33--45.
S. M. Chung and P. Mah, ``Multidatabase Transaction Management Scheme
Supporting Multiple Subtransactions of a Global Transaction at a Site,''
Information Sciences, An International
Journal, Vol. 97, North-Holland, April 1997, pp. 241--266.
S. M. Chung and P. Mah, ``Semantics-Based Transaction Management for
Multidatabase Systems,'' Information Processing Letters,
Vol. 59, Elsevier Science, 1996, pp. 109--115.
S. M. Chung, ``Block Concatenated Signatures for Partial Match
Retrieval,'' Information Sciences, An International
Journal, Vol. 89, North-Holland, 1996, pp. 165--191.
S. M. Chung and J. Yang, ``A Parallel Distributive Join Algorithm for
Cube-Connected Multiprocessors,''
IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
Vol. 7, No. 2, 1996, pp. 127--137.
S. M. Chung, ``Enhanced Tree Quorum Algorithm for Replica
Control in Distributed Database Systems,''
Data & Knowledge Engineering,
Vol. 12, North-Holland, 1994, pp. 63--81.
S. M. Chung, ``Indexed Extendible Hashing,'' Information
Processing Letters, Vol. 44, No. 1, North-Holland, 1992, pp. 1--6.
P. B. Berra, S. M. Chung and N. I. Hachem, ``Computer Architecture for
a Surrogate File to a Very Large Data/Knowledge Base,''
IEEE Computer,
Vol. 20, No. 3, 1987, pp. 25--32, also reprinted in
Parallel Architectures for Database Systems,
IEEE Computer Society Press, 1989, pp. 255--262.
M. Suk and S. M. Chung, ``A New Image Segmentation Technique Based on
Partition Mode Test,'' Pattern Recognition, Vol. 16, No. 5,
Pergamon Press, 1983, pp. 469--480.
Refereed Conference Papers
A. T. Williams and S. M. Chung, ``Enhanced Multi-SARIMA Model for Anomaly Detection in
Multi-Seasional Time Series Data,''
Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Data and Software Engineering, 2024, pp. 120--125.
N. C. Crossman and S. M. Chung, ``GPU-Accelerated Stream Clustering and
Visualization of Geotagged Text Data for Crisis Management,''
Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Data and Software Engineering, 2022, pp. 71--76.
N. C. Crossman, S. M. Chung, and V. A. Schmidt, ``Stream Clustering and
Visualization of Geotagged Text Data for Crisis Management,''
Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Data and Software Engineering, 2019, pp. 179--184.
R. E. Sperl and S. M. Chung, ``Two-step Anomaly Detection for Time Series
Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Data and Software Engineering, 2019, pp. 201--205.
E. L. Meyer and S. M. Chung, ``Efficient Mining of Maximal Frequent
Itemsets Based on M-Step Lookahead,''
Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Data and Software Engineering, 2018, pp. 65--69.
S. A. Barnard, S. M. Chung, and V. A. Schmidt, ``Content-based Clustering
and Visualization of Social Media Text Messages,''
Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Data and Software Engineering, 2017.
(DOI: 10.1109/ICODSE.2017.8285856)
A. L. Mocniak and S. M. Chung,``Dynamic Cache Memory
Locking by Utilizing Multiple Miss Tables,''
Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Data and Software Engineering, 2016.
(DOI: 10.1109/ICODSE.2016.7936129)
M. W. Abel and S. M. Chung, ``Defending One-Time Pad Cryptosystems
from Denial-of-Service Attacks,'' Proc. of Int'l Conf. on
Data and Software Engineering, 2015, pp. 77--82.
(DOI: 10.1109/ICODSE.2015.7436975)
M. W. Abel and S. M. Chung, ``Deriving Labeled Training Data for
Topic Link Detection by Alternating Words,'' Proc. of Int'l
Conf. on Data and Software Engineering, 2015, pp. 83--88.
(DOI: 10.1109/ICODSE.2015.7436976)
A. R. Riddle and S. M. Chung, ``A Survey on the Security of Hypervisors
in Cloud Computing,'' Emerging Technologies in Security and Privacy of
Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing Systems (ESP-DGC 2015) Workshop.
Proc. of IEEE Int'l Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops,
2015, pp. 100--104.
M. W. Abel and S. M. Chung, ``Computing Preset Dictionaries from Text Corpora
for the Compression of Messages,'' Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Data and
Software Engineering, 2014.
(DOI: 10.1109/ICODSE.2014.7062490)
S. M. Park and S. M. Chung, ``Privacy-Preserving Attribute Distribution
Mechanism for Access Control in a Grid,''
Proc. of the 21st IEEE Int'l Conf. on Tools with
Artificial Intelligence -- ICTAI 2009, IEEE Computer Society,
2009, pp. 308--313.
Y. Li, D. F. Hsu, and S. M. Chung, ``Combining Multiple Feature Selection
Methods for Text Categorization by Using Rank-Score Characteristics,''
Proc. of the 21st IEEE Int'l Conf. on Tools with
Artificial Intelligence -- ICTAI 2009, IEEE Computer Society, 2009,
pp. 508--517.
A. Pantelopoulos, M. Alamaniotis, T. Jevremovic, S. M. Park, S. M. Chung,
and N. Bourbakis, ``LG-Graph Based Detection of NRF Spectrum Signatures:
Initial Results and Comparison,''
Proc. of the 21st IEEE Int'l Conf. on Tools with
Artificial Intelligence -- ICTAI 2009, IEEE Computer Society,
2009, pp. 683--686.
V. Muppavarapu and S. M. Chung, ``Role-Based Access Control for Cyber-Physical
Systems Using Shibboleth,''
Proc. of DHS Workshop on Future Directions in Cyber-Physical Systems Security,
2009, pp. 57--60.
V. Muppavarapu and S. M. Chung, ``Fine-Grain Access Control Using Shibboleth for
Storage Resource Broker,''
Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Information Security and Assurance -- ISA 2009,
in Advances in Information Security and Assurance
LNCS 5576, Springer, 2009, pp. 41--50.
V. Muppavarapu and S. M. Chung, ``Semantic-Based Access Control for Grid
Data Resources in Open Grid Services Architecture - Data Access and Integration
(OGSA-DAI),'' Proc. of the 20th IEEE Int'l Conf. on Tools
with Artificial Intelligence -- ICTAI 2008, Vol. 2, IEEE Computer Society,
2008, pp. 315--322.
S. M. Park and S. M. Chung, ``Enhanced CAS Certificate for Metadata-Based
Access Control in Grids,'' Proc. of the 20th IEEE Int'l Conf. on Tools
with Artificial Intelligence -- ICTAI 2008, Vol. 2, IEEE Computer Society,
2008, pp. 323--329.
M. Y. Maarouf and S. M. Chung,``XML Integrated Environment for Service-Oriented
Data Management,'' Proc. of the 20th IEEE Int'l Conf. on Tools
with Artificial Intelligence -- ICTAI 2008, Vol. 2, IEEE Computer Society,
2008, pp. 361--368.
J. D. Holt, S. M. Chung, and Y. Li, ``Usage of Mined Word Associations
for Text Retrieval,'' Proc. of the 19th IEEE Int'l Conf. on Tools
with Artificial Intelligence -- ICTAI 2007, Vol. 2, IEEE Computer Society,
2007, pp. 45--49.
J. R. Knapp, V. A. Schmidt, and S. M. Chung.``Specification for Visual
Requirements of Work-Centered Software Systems,''
Proc. of the 4th ACIS Int'l Conf. on Software Engineering
Research, Management and Applications -- SERA 2006, IEEE Computer Society,
2006, pp. 378--385.
Y. Li and S. M. Chung, ``Text Document Clustering Based on Frequent
Word Sequences,'' Proc. of ACM Int'l Conference on
Information and Knowledge Management -- CIKM 2005, ACM Press, 2005,
pp. 293--294.
A. L. Pereira, V. Muppavarapu, and S. M. Chung, ``Role-Based Access Control
for Grid Database Services,'' 1st DIALOGUE Workshop: Applications-Driven Issues
in Data Grids, 2005.
C. Luo and S. M. Chung, ``Efficient Mining of Maximal Sequential Patterns
Using Multiple Samples,'' Proc. of SIAM Int'l Conf. on Data Mining, 2005,
pp. 415--426.
S. M. Chung and S. B. Jesurajaiah, ``Schemaless XML Document Management in
Object-Oriented Databases,'' Proc. of Int'l Conf. on
Information Technology: Coding and Computing -- ITCC 2005,
IEEE Computer Society Press, 2005, pp. 261--266.
S. M. Chung and M. Mangamuri, ``Mining Association Rules from the Star
Schema on a Parallel NCR Teradata Database System,''
Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Information Technology: Coding and Computing
-- ITCC 2005, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2005, pp. 206--212.
C. Luo and S. M. Chung, ``A Scalable Algorithm for Mining Maximal Frequent
Sequences Using Sampling,'' Proc. of the 16th IEEE
Int'l Conf. on Tools with Artificial Intelligence -- ICTAI 2004,
IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004, pp. 156--165.
J. D. Holt and S. M. Chung, ``Parallel Mining of Association Rules from
Text Databases on a Cluster of Workstations,''
Proc. of Int'l Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
-- IPDPS 2004, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004.
S. M. Chung and M. Mangamuri, ``Mining Association Rules from Relations
on a Parallel NCR Teradata Database System,''
Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Information Technology:
Coding and Computing -- ITCC 2004, Vol. 1, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004.
pp. 465--470.
S. M. Chung and C. Luo, ``Distributed Mining of Maximal Frequent Itemsets
from Databases on a Cluster of Workstations,''
Proc. of the 4th IEEE/ACM Int'l Symp. on Cluster Computing and
the Grid -- CCGrid 2004, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004.
S. M. Chung and C. Luo, ``Parallel Mining of Maximal Frequent Itemsets
from Databases,''
Proc. of the 15th IEEE Int'l Conf. on Tools with Artificial
Intelligence -- ICTAI 2003, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2003, pp. 134--139.
S. M. Chung and A. L. Pereira, ``Timed Petri Net Representation of Synchronized
Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) of XML,''
Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Information Technology:
Coding and Computing -- ITCC 2003, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2003,
pp. 711--716.
J. D. Holt and S. M. Chung, ``Mining Association Rules in Text Databases Using
Multipass with Inverted Hashing and Pruning,''
Proc. of the 14th IEEE Int'l Conf. on Tools with Artificial
Intelligence -- ICTAI 2002, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2002, pp. 49--56.
S. M. Chung and A. Chatterjee, ``Adaptive Parallel Distributive Join
Algorithm for Skewed Data,''
Proc. of Int'l Conf. of Parallel and Distributed
Systems -- ICPADS 2001, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2001, pp. 15-22.
S. M. Chung and Q. Wang, ``Content-based Retrieval and
Data Mining of a Skin Cancer Image Database,''
Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Information Technology:
Coding and Computing -- ITCC 2001, IEEE Computer Society Press,
2001, pp. 611-615.
J. D. Holt and S. M. Chung, ``Mining of Association Rules in Text
Databases Using Inverted Hashing and Pruning,'' Proc. of
Int'l Conf. on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery -- DaWak 2000,
Springer, 2000, pp. 290-300.
J. D. Holt and S. M. Chung, ``Efficient Mining of Association Rules in Text
Databases,'' Proc. of ACM Int'l Conference on Information and
Knowledge Management -- CIKM'99, 1999, pp. 234-242.
S. M. Chung and A. Chatterjee, ``Performance Analysis of a Parallel
Distributive Join Algorithm on the Intel Paragon,''
Proc. of Int'l Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems --
ICPADS'97, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997, pp. 714-721.
S. M. Chung, P. Mah and J. L. Kim, ``Integration of a Relational
Database with Multimedia Data,'' Proc. of the 20th Annual Int'l
Computer Software and Applications Conference -- COMPSAC'96,
IEEE Computer Society Press, 1996, pp. 290--297.
S. Campbell and S. M. Chung, ``The Role of Database Systems in the Management
of Multimedia Information,'' Proc. of the 1st Int'l Workshop on Multimedia
Database Management Systems, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1995, pp. 4--11.
S. M. Chung, P. Mah and J. L. Kim, ``Management of Flexible Transactions
Using Semantics in Multidatabase Systems,'' Proc. of the 19th Annual Int'l
Computer Software and Applications Conference -- COMPSAC'95, IEEE Computer
Society Press, 1995, pp. 134--141.
S. M. Chung and P. Mah, ``Schema Integration for Multidatabases
Using the Unified Relational and Object-Oriented Model,''
Proc. of ACM Computer Science Conference, ACM Press, 1995. pp. 208--215.
M. Chaabouni and S. M. Chung, ``Discrimination Network for Condition
Matching in Object-Oriented Database Rule Systems,'' Proc. of
ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, ACM Press, 1995, pp. 51--55.
S. Campbell and S. M. Chung, ``Multimedia Content Storage and Management,''
Proc. of ACM Multimedia'94 Workshop on Multimedia Database Management
Systems, 1994, pp. 79--88.
J. Fausey and S. M. Chung, ``Load Distribution Using Name Sharing for
Locally Distributed Systems,''
Proc. of Int'l Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
Systems, 1994, pp. 771--776.
T. Noh, C.-I. H. Chen and S. M. Chung, ``Behavioral Fault Simulation
and ATPG for VHDL,'' Proc. of Annual IEEE Int'l ASIC Conference and
Exhibit, 1994, pp. 412--416.
H. K. Kim and S. M. Chung, ``Parallel Logic Simulation Using Time Warp on
Shared-Memory Multiprocessors,''
Proc. of Int'l Parallel Processing Symposium -- IPPS'94,
IEEE Computer Society Press, 1994, pp. 942--948.
S. M. Chung and L. Li, ``A Chained Directory Cache Coherence Protocol
for Multiprocessors,'' Proc. of the 22nd Int'l Conference on Parallel
Processing, Vol. 1, CRC Press, 1993, pp. 175--179.
S. M. Chung and C. N. Ravikiran, ``A Heterogeneous Distributed
Information System,'' Proc. of Int'l Conference on Computing and
Information -- ICCI'93, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1993, pp. 443--447.
S. M. Chung and K. A. Elghayesh, ``A Timestamp-Based Concurrency Control
Algorithm for Heterogeneous Distributed Databases,''
Proc. of Int'l Conference on Computing and Information -- ICCI'93,
IEEE Computer Society Press, 1993, pp. 438--442.
P. E. Reimers and S. M. Chung, ``Intelligent User Interface for
Very Large Relational Databases,'' Proc. of Int'l Conference on Human-Computer
Interaction -- HCI'93, Vol. 2, Elsevier Science, 1993,
pp. 134--139.
S. Campbell and S. M. Chung, ``Video Decimator Design Using a Systolic
Array,'' Proc. of IEEE Int'l Symposium on Circuit and Systems, Vol. 3,
IEEE Press, 1993, pp. 1726--1729.
S. M. Chung and J. Yang, ``Distributive Join Algorithm for Cube-Connected
Multiprocessors,'' Proc. of Int'l Symposium on Database Systems for Advanced
Applications, World Scientific Publishing, 1993, pp. 253--260.
S. M. Chung, ``Enhanced Tree Quorum Algorithm for Replicated Distributed
Databases,'' Proc. of Int'l Symposium on Database Systems for Advanced
Applications, World Scientific Publishing, 1993, pp. 83--89.
M. Chaabouni and S. M. Chung, ``The Point-Range Tree: A Data Structure
for Indexing Intervals,'' Proc. of ACM Computer Science Conference,
ACM Press, 1993, pp. 453--460.
S. M. Chung and J. Yang, ``Distributive Join Algorithm for Shared-Memory
Multiprocessors,'' Proc. of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing,
ACM Press, 1993, pp. 546--553.
P. E. Reimers and S. M. Chung, ``Automatic Logical Navigation for
Relational Databases,'' Proc. of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing,
ACM Press, 1993, pp. 343--350.
S. M. Chung and C. Cao, ``Multiple Tree Quorum Algorithm for Replica
Control in Distributed Database Systems,''
Proc. of IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing,
IEEE Computer Society Press, 1992, pp. 282--286.
S. M. Chung and K. A. Elghayesh, ``A Heterogeneous Distributed Database
System Based on Extended Relational Model,'' Proc. of Int'l Conference on
Computing and Information -- ICCI'92, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1992,
pp. 338--341.
S. M. Chung, ``Storage and Retrieval of Multimedia Information,''
Proc. of Int'l Space Year conference on Earth and Space Information
Systems, American Institute of Physics Press, 1992, pp. 565--569.
S. M. Chung, ``Parallel Main Memory Database System,''
Proc. of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing -- SAC'92, ACM Press, 1992,
pp. 273--282.
S. M. Chung, ``Optical Database Machine Using Spatial Light
Rebroadcasters,'' Proc. of Int'l Parallel Processing Symposium -- IPPS'91,
IEEE Computer Society Press, 1991, pp. 265--268.
S. M. Chung, ``Parallel Relational Operations Based on Clustered
Surrogate Files,'' Proc. of Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel
Computation -- Frontiers'90, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1990,
pp. 225--234.
S. M. Chung, ``A Database Machine Based on Surrogate Files,'' Proc. of Int'l
Conference on Application Specific Array Processors, IEEE Computer Society
Press, 1990, pp. 55--66.
S. M. Chung, ``Block Concatenated Code Word Surrogate File for Partial
Match Retrieval,'' Advances in Computing and Information -- ICCI'90,
Proc. of Int'l Conference on Computing and Information,
Springer-Verlag, 1990, pp. 235--244.
S. M. Chung and P. B. Berra, ``A Comparison of Concatenated and Superimposed
Code Word Surrogate Files for Very Large Data/Knowledge Bases,''
Advances in Database Technology -- EDBT'88, Proc. of Int'l Conference
on Extending Database Technology, Springer-Verlag, 1988, pp. 364--387.
Book Chapters
S. M. Chung and M. Mangamuri, ``Mining Association Rules on
a NCR Teradata System,''
Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining,
Idea Group Reference, 2005, pp. 746--751.
H. Kim, Y. Cho, S. Jin, and S. M. Chung, ``Advanced Public Key
Infrastructure for Internet Security,''
in Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, 2nd Edition,
Marcel Dekker Publishers, 2003, pp. 82--89.
J. Lee and S. M. Chung, ``Information Discovery on the
Internet,'' in Encyclopedia of Library and Information
Science, Marcel Dekker Publishers, 1998,
pp. 146--157.
S. Campbell and S. M. Chung, ``Delivery Scheduling of Multimedia
Streams Using Query Scripts,''
in Multimedia Information Storage and Management, Soon M. Chung
(editor), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996, pp. 237--255.
S. Campbell and S. M. Chung, ``Database Approach for the Management
of Multimedia Information,''
in Multimedia Database Systems: Design and Implementation Strategies,
K. C. Nwosu, B. Thuraisingham and P. B. Berra (editors), Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 1996, pp. 17--46.
S. M. Chung and P. B. Berra, ``A Database Machine Based on Concatenated Code
Words for Very Large Databases,'' in Computers for Artificial
Intelligence Processing, B. W. Wah and C. V. Ramamoorthy (editors),
John Wiley and Sons, 1990. pp. 352--375.
P. B. Berra, S. M. Chung, N. I. Hachem, P. A. Mitkas, and D. Shin,
``Computer Architecture for Very Large Knowledge Bases,''
in Concepts and Characteristics of Knowledge-Based
Systems, M. Tokoro, Y. Anzai and A. Yonezawa (editors), North-Holland,
1989, pp. 225--248.
Dr. Chung has taught the following courses at Wright State University:
- CS 4700/6700 Introduction of Database Management Systems
- CS 7700 Advanced Database Systems
- CS 4710/6710 Introduction to Data Mining
- CS 801 Advanced Topics in Database Systems
- CEG 7350 Computer Architecture
- CEG 820 Computer Architecture II
- CEG 4350/6350 OS Internals and Design
- CEG 7370 Distributed Computing
- CEG 4980 Team Projects I
- CEG 4981 Team Projects II
- CEG 434/634 Concurrent Software Design
Dr. Chung has been developing a new clustering system that clusters
social media data, such as Twitter messages, based on their textual content
and displays the clusters and their locations on the map.
This system uses two-phase clustering, composed of micro-clustering and
macro-clustering. The online micro-clustering phase incrementally creates
micro-clusters that represent enough information about topics occurring
in the test stream.
The off-line macro-clustering phase clusters micro-clusters for
a user-specified time interval.
This system can be used to provide at-a-glace information to be displayed
throughout the evolution of a crisis.
Dr. Chung investigated a new two-step algorithm for anomaly detection in
time-series data. The first step uses a simple data forecasting model
which is fast with high recall but potentially low precision, whereas
the second step uses a complex data forecasting model which is slower
but more accurate. The first model initially labels each data value.
When an anomaly is reported by the first model, the second model relabels
that data value, verifying or correcting the initial lable.
This verification step reduces the false positive rate of the first step.
This method provides accurate identification of anomalous data values
as well as fast rejection of non-anomalous data values.
Dr. Chung investigated a new multi-scale 3D shape descriptor, based on the
discrete orthogonal Tchebichef moments, for the characterization of 3D action
pose shapes made of low-resolution point cloud patches.
This shape descriptor consists of low-order 3D Tchebichef moments computed
with respect to a new point cloud voxelization scheme that normalizes
translation, scale, and resolution. The action recognition is built on
the Naive Bayes classifier using temporal statistics of a
`bag of pose shapes'.
Our shape descriptor and action recognition method can be applied to
LIDAR data.
Dr. Chung worked on various database issues, including distributed
replicated data management, active database, heterogeneous multidatabase
system, multimedia databases, and data mining. For heterogeneous
multidatabase, a global schema integration scheme using the
object-relational model has been proposed, and the semantics-based
concurrency control of global transactions was also investigated.
Parallel data mining algorithms were developed for text
databases and transaction databases on
a cluster of rack-mounted 9 Linux workstations
interconnected by a Fast-Ethernet switch.
For text databases, efficient document clustering algorithms were developed.
For transaction databases, scalable association rule mining and
sequence mining algorithms were developed.
Dr. Chung developed a Data Grid system using the Globus
Toolkit on a 12-node Linux cluster, where each
node is running Red Hat Linux Enterprise edition.
This system is used for distributed data mining and for the
integration of distributed databases.
Role-based access control methods are also developed for the
Data Grid system.
During 2000-2005, Dr. Chung was in charge of a NCR WorldMark 4850
parallel database machine, Teradata RDBMS, and Teradata Warehouse Miner.
This system was granted by NCR in 2000, and equipped with 8 Xeon processors
and a disk array.
Storage model, retrieval mechanism, and network delivery for multimedia
information are investigated, and this project has been supported by
NCR Corporation, Ohio State, and National Science Foundation.
Involved in a project of automatic video segmentation for content-based
retrieval, as a visiting researcher at the Computer and Software Technology
Lab of Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) in
Korea during 9/97--8/98.
Analyzed the performance of network I/O using Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs)
of Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) in client-server information
systems for LexisNexis Company.
Dr. Chung was the principal investigator of the research on
clustering and parallel processing of databases,
supported by National Science Foundation and
Ohio State Research Challenge Grant.
Involved in the project of developing a parallel
architecture and algorithms for very large data/knowledge bases, which
was supported by AFOSR, as a research assistant for three years
at Syracuse University.
Dr. Chung has graduated 10 Ph.D. and 24 M.S. students as the
dissertation/thesis advisor.